How dangerous is it when a dog "licks, nips, or bites"? Is it necessary to see a doctor?

Health News

30 Sep 2023

How dangerous is it when a dog "licks, nips, or bites"? Is it necessary to see a doctor?

      For all animal lovers, having pets as companions to ward off loneliness is common. Whether it's dogs, cats, or other animals, sometimes these pets can harm their owners or others. For example, being bitten or scratched by dogs or cats can be dangerous as their mouths are full of bacteria. This is a symptom of rabies infection.


This is a symptom of rabies infection.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches, fever, weakness
  • Nausea, vomiting, or pain at the bite wound with severe itching
  • Restlessness, sensitivity to loud noises, photophobia, hydrophobia, swallowing difficulties, especially with liquids
  • Muscle spasms, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, seizures, rigidity, paralysis
  • Loss of consciousness, eventually leading to death


      If bitten, scratched, licked on an open wound or abrasion, or if the pet's saliva or blood enters the eyes, mouth, or an open wound, seek medical attention immediately. However, if you merely touched the pet without any open wounds on your body, simply washing the affected area is usually sufficient.


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