Mooncake calorie check

Health News

08 Sep 2022
Mooncake calorie check
      Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese celebration that honors the goddess of the moon. The "mooncakes" used as offerings are essential to this event. On the other hand, mooncakes frequently contain flour and sugar as crucial ingredients, as well as oil and syrup. When combined with sweet fillings, mooncakes are particularly high-energy snacks. A typical mooncake weighs 166 grams and contains 614-772 kcal, which is more than a regular meal.
  •  Salted egg durian filling provides 673 kcal
  • Chinese mixed-grains filling provides 722 kcal
  • Lotus seed filling provides 646 kcal
  • Black sesame seeds provide 610 kcal
  • Durian filling provides 640 kcal
  • Jujube filling provides 577 kcal
       People tend to buy #mooncakes as souvenirs for seniors or buy them to eat at home. As a result, proper mooncake consumption is advised. One should not consume the entire piece in one day and should avoid eating sweets, other forms of desserts, or sweet drinks after eating mooncakes because the body may receive more energy than it requires. Mooncakes' flour and sugar are turned into excess body fat, weight gain, belly fat, and other diseases will occur from a lack of exercise.

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