Know the early signs of kidney disease to prevent kidney failure.

Health News

12 Dec 2023

Know the early signs of kidney disease to prevent kidney failure.

      Kidney disease is one of the top 4 diseases that cause death in Thailand. A significant portion of cases is due to dietary and lifestyle choices. Recognizing the early signs of kidney disease can be challenging because they are often general symptoms that can occur in the body when it is not well-rested or under stress. Today, we have gathered ways to recognize the "early signs of kidney disease" to share with everyone.

  • Frequent urination during the night and increased urine volume.
  • Changes in urine color, sometimes with blood or foamy appearance.
  • Fatigue and difficulty concentrating during daily activities.
  • Swelling and itching of the skin.
  • Increased back pain and lower back pain.
  • Persistent weakness even with sufficient rest.
  • Loss of appetite and nausea.
  • Headaches, even at a young age.

      The early signs of kidney disease mentioned in this article are commonly observed in the Thai population. Prevention is crucial, and the best prevention is self-awareness. If you notice any of the early signs of kidney disease, you can seek treatment promptly and help restore your health more quickly.

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