If you have allergies, can you have a rhinoplasty?

Health News

21 May 2024

If you have allergies, can you have a rhinoplasty?

      No matter what season we are in, 'air' is something we should be cautious of and take good care of, especially during periods of frequent weather changes. Many people may encounter problems related to the air, or if they have chronic conditions such as allergies, they may experience allergic reactions like nasal congestion, runny nose, sinus irritation, itchy and watery eyes, which may not be life-threatening but can be bothersome. Some may wonder if rhinoplasty is possible for allergies.

"Risks" of rhinoplasty for Those with Airborne Allergies :
  • Rhinoplasty may exacerbate allergies, especially for those allergic to silicone.
  • Allergy patients or those with sinusitis may require a longer recovery period and may experience inflammation and swelling.
  • Before undergoing rhinoplasty, it's advisable to avoid triggers or environments that stimulate symptoms, take allergy medication to control nasal discharge, coughing, and sneezing.
  • After rhinoplasty, it's essential to take regular care of oneself, avoid forcefully blowing or wiping the nose to reduce the risk of infection.
Preparation before Rhinoplasty :
  • Inform the doctor of medication allergies, regular medication use, allergic symptoms, and medical history before surgery.
  • In case of sinusitis or allergies, consult a doctor.
  • Avoid taking vitamins, supplements, birth control pills, and aspirin before surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking for at least 2 weeks.
  • Conduct a health check-up and provide the results to the medical staff before surgery.
  • In case of fever or illness, inform the staff before surgery.
Self-Care after Surgery :
  • Apply cold compresses for 24-48 hours after surgery. Gel pads or cold-water-soaked cloths can be used for compresses to reduce swelling quickly.
  • For allergy sufferers, continue taking allergy medication for another 1-2 weeks after surgery to prevent nasal congestion and runny nose, which may affect surgical outcomes.
  • Sleep with the head elevated to reduce swelling and wear button-up shirts to avoid contact with the nose.
  • Avoid spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, and smoking for the first 2 weeks.
  • Use mild soap to clean the face on the first day. Clean the wound with clean water using a cotton bud soaked in saline solution, then apply the medication prescribed by the doctor.
  • Pain may be experienced in the first 1-2 days after surgery, and pain relievers can be taken to alleviate symptoms.
  • Follow-up with the doctor as scheduled after surgery, approximately 1-2 weeks later.

      For allergy sufferers, rhinoplasty is possible, but it's crucial to wait until symptoms improve or take allergy medication to reduce symptoms before undergoing surgery. The most important thing is to maintain disciplined self-care, follow the doctor's advice diligently, and ensure the nose is both aesthetically pleasing and safe in the long run.



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