Frequent urination is an early sign of kidney disease.

Health News

25 Aug 2023

Frequent urination is an early sign of kidney disease

      Our bodies, as individuals, have varying frequencies of urination. This can depend on urination habits, daily water intake, as well as the amount of fluids lost through sweat and bowel movements. Urination patterns can differ greatly among people. Foamy and frequent urination, especially at night, could potentially be an early indicator of kidney-related issues. Today, we're discussing "Abnormal Frequent Urination" that warrants a visit to the doctor.

  • Urine with traces of blood
  • Painful or discomforting urination
  • Unusual urine color, such as red, dark brown, or cloudy
  • Discomfort in genital area during urination
  • Mild abdominal discomfort
  • Difficulty urinating or painful urination without significant urine output
  • Inability to control urination
  • Frequent urination accompanied by fever

      The consequences of excessive and frequent urination can significantly impact a patient's quality of life. This affects work, relationships, and social interactions. In some cases, it can lead to anxiety about traveling or being far from a restroom. If you're facing these challenges, it's recommended to consult a doctor to diagnose the underlying cause.

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