Early Winter and Late Rain Call for Caution!

Hospital News

18 Oct 2022

Early Winter and Late Rain Call for Caution!
      Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV for short, is a virus that causes respiratory tract inflammation and is spread by respiratory illnesses such coughing, sneezing, mucus, saliva, sputum through touch, or nasal droplets from other patients. Children under the age of five are most typically affected at the conclusion of the winter.

Symptoms of RSV
       A kid who has been exposed to RSV may have the following symptoms 2–7 days that following symptoms :

  • Catarrhal-like symptoms of upper respiratory syndrome include fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat
  • Lower respiratory tract syndromes Children often have a whistle or a green mouth, intense coughing, continuous coughing, shortness of breath, dimples on the chest, and, in extreme cases, respiratory failure. Ventilation is urgently needed

       RSV-specific antibiotics and antiviral medications do not yet exist.

  • In patients with mild symptoms, it is the same symptom as a cold. Parents can provide care at home
  • In patients with severe symptoms or at risk of developing severe symptoms. The doctor will consider hospitalization for close monitoring

      Your doctor may suggest giving you high oxygen doses. If you have shortness of breath or have respiratory failure. It has to be put on a ventilator and intubated.

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