Social security rights, free health checks.

Hospital News

14 Jul 2022
Social security rights, free health checks.
      Ratchasima Hospital Introducing the free health checks for the social security rights.

Laboratory examination Checklist:

  • Complete blood cells count (CBC)
    👉🏻18-54 years Check 1 time (during the said age)
    👉🏻55-70 years 1 time/year
  • Urine analysis (UA)
    👉🏻 55+ years 1 time/year

Blood chemistry testChecklist:

  • Blood Sugar (FBS)
    👉🏻 35-54 years Check every 3 years
    👉🏻 55+ years 1 time/year
  • Kidney function (Cr)
    👉🏻 55+ years 1 time/year
  • Total & HDL Cholesterol
    👉🏻 20+ years Check every 5 years

Other checks

  • Hepatitis HBsAg
    👉🏻For those born before 1992 Check 1 time (during the said age)
  • Chest X-ray
    👉🏻 15+ years 1 time (throughout the insurance period)

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